Category: Medical Education

The Necessity of Medical Education

Introduction Education is a necessary component of any successful career. In the medical industry, it is no different. According to Dr. Jeremy Barnett , Medical schools provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to become doctors, but there are many other factors that go into becoming a doctor as well. About The Necessity […]

The New Medical Education Paradigm

Introduction Medical education is changing. What we know about how to educate doctors and other health professionals has changed dramatically over the past few decades, and the old ways of doing things are falling away. According to Dr. Jeremy Barnett the new medical education paradigm is different from how doctors were taught even five years […]

New Ways to Learn About Medical Education

As healthcare technology advances, so too do the way we learn about medical education. With the advent of virtual classroom experiences, online course modules, and educational video tutorials, students can now access medical knowledge in ways they never could before. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of these new and innovative ways to learn […]